Monday, December 3, 2012

Debunked Family Legend

For as long as I can remember I was told that one of family members on my paternal grandfather’s side was a Native American. Not only were they a Native American but they were a chief. Now that I have done more research on my family and looked at the genealogy that Cousin Phillip has put together, there is no possible way that a male on my paternal grandfather’s side of the family could be a tribal chief. Since Phillip traced the entire lineage back to Roger Burlingame (Great grandfather times 12) who was the first to come to the United States from England as a Captain in the British Army, there is no proof of any Native American males in the family. The story of being Native American on that side of the family is debunked but after speaking with my father it is entirely possible that his grandmother’s side of the family has Native American in it somewhere. One of the reasons this is believed to be possible is the skin tone of my family. Now I know that I’m very light skinned but as you look at generations further back the skin tone continues to be dark tan. I could not find any information in the family history proving that there is a Native American blood-line but the possibility is there.

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